Monday, December 27, 2010

Maximizing Laundry Equipment Efficiency

There are many factors which can help to determine the success of your business, one of the most important being the laundry equipment that you own and operate in your location(s).  With a large part of your coin laundry success being reliance on and consumption of utilities (water, sewer, gas and electricity), the importance of efficient machinery is a paramount concern for the store owner.  Remember, as a coin store operator, you are essentially “selling utilities!”

When the laundry equipment is brand new, the efficiency of that model is at its best.  However, as time goes on, the wear and tear on the equipment increases and the efficiency declines.  Also, newer models with increased efficiency features are being developed constantly and there is a strong emphasis on energy efficiency in the design process.

What contributes to the loss of efficiency in your older laundry equipment?  What new developments help the most modern equipment be even more efficient?  Let’s take a close look at the washers and dryers to determine how the efficiency is affected as the machines get older.


One of the biggest technological advantages that new washers possess is the water consumption needed to effectively wash a load of clothing.  However, the water usage of the washer affects many areas of utilities which can represent a huge saving.  When you use less water, you not only save the direct water supply costs, you also save the sewer costs and heating costs for any hot water used in the cycle.

Newer equipment also has a distinct advantage:  the motor drives which turn the drum during the cycle.  Most recent washer models feature an inverter motor drive system which allows the machine to gently ramp up to speed, helping to decrease wear and tear of washer components, such as the shaft, bearing, seals, and belts.  These drive systems also eliminate large electrical draws when the motor powers up by gradually (and more efficiently) ramping up to speed.

One of the major components (and most expensive repairs) in a washer is the bearing system.  To help washer bearings last longest, be sure to pay attention to any preventative maintenance instructions for maintaining bearings within the washer.  This is definitely a case in which a pound of prevention far outweighs an ounce of cure!

The rubber and plastic parts within a washer should be carefully monitored and maintained for optimum efficiency.  Be sure to check your washer belts regularly and replace as soon as they show evidence of wear.  Also, make sure that any hoses, gaskets, and water screens are not damaged, worn, or leaking.  This will ensure that the water usage remains at a minimum.


One of the biggest technological advantages that new dryers have over the older models is lower gas consumption.  Measured in BTUs (British Thermal Units), the modern dryer is nothing like the “gas hog” of the past.  There are new energy-efficient models of dryers which provide the same performance with a large reduction in BTUs.  This is achieved by insulating the doors and cabinet, improved tumbler seals, and creating a true axial airflow (air moving through the clothing, rather than around it).  This savings in gas costs results in direct cost-cutting for the store owner.

A dryer is essentially a large hot air circulator and, to operate at maximum efficiency, requires air tight seals whenever possible.  The flexible, rubber seals and gaskets have a tendency to wear over time.  As these items get older, small air leaks occur and efficiency of the whole system declines.  Care must be taken to ensure that these parts remain effective in minimizing air leaks as they get older.  Also, the insulation in the cabinet has a tendency to break down as the dryer ages.

One very important, and frequently overlooked, aspect of dryer efficiency is the venting system.  The air that is expelled from a dryer is frequently mixed with a fair amount of airborne lint.  Over time, the lint will settle out of the air and wind up inside your dryer cabinet and venting system.  Lint inside the dryer cabinet can easily accumulate in critical areas of the dryer, including the thermostat and areas near the burner box.  If a thermostat is blocked by a lint accumulation, it will fail to do its job of regulating temperature properly and your efficiency will suffer.  Worse yet, large lint accumulations can even provide the potential for a dryer fire.  Be sure to frequently clean your venting system to minimize this risk and maximize the all-important airflow.

Preventative maintenance can also play a large part in controlling ongoing inefficiencies in aging dryers.  As with washers, rubber component materials in dryers such as belts, gaskets, and seals tend to wear faster than the mechanical and electrical components.  Replacing these items before they completely break down can really help to keep your equipment running smoothly.  Make sure to pay attention to the preventative maintenance guides that are included in the operational manual for your dryer.  These parts are generally inexpensive and are designed to be easy to replace.

The Overall Cost of Ownership and “Intangibles”

To ensure that your machinery (and investment) is working at its peak efficiency, a comprehensive service plan and machine parts warranty are very important factors to consider in commercial laundry equipment.  Since some washer or dryer parts can represent a significant cost, the longest parts warranty available is a valuable feature in laundry equipment.  Always make sure to check on the warranty length and coverage when evaluating new equipment.

Also, there is the intangible factor of the “newest” of your laundry equipment.  A store full of old (and sometimes broken down) washers and dryers is one of the first things that your customers notice about your laundry store.  Customers will be pleased to use brand new equipment with the newest and most modern features and controls.  Old equipment definitely works to the contrary, deterring old (and new) customers who use this equipment every day.  Remember, the coin laundry is one of few service industries where you are inviting the customer to come to your location and use your equipment to do a menial chore.  Make sure to make it an easy process by providing dependable and modern equipment!

At its core, coin laundry store equipment represents an investment on your part and you owe it to yourself to protect your valuable machinery by keeping it running at optimum efficiency.  With utility costs such as water, sewer, gas, and electricity representing such a high operating cost in the laundry business, the key to efficient operation is efficient equipment.  Cutting your utility bill will make a big difference in your bottom line profits.  Be sure to complete the preventative maintenance suggested in the operation manuals, obtain a strong equipment parts warranty and pay attention to the service concerns which can cost you in the long run.  By doing this, you will protect your investment, save money on utility costs, and provide the best possible experience for your valued customers.

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